Halo online halo 3 hud

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Legendary SPARTAN II military program and Humanity’s last, best hope. Led by Spartan-117-the Master Chief-the last fighting member of the These Halos, was discovered and subsequently destroyed by Human forces,

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'This conflict, terrible and destructive though it is, has recently beenĬomplicated by a series of cascading events. 'These immense terraformed rings, known as Halos, have been abandonedīy their mysterious and long-vanished creators, the Forerunners. Journey awaits its faithful and that this Journey can be embarked upon byįiring an array of vast ringlike weapons scattered throughout the galaxy. Their religion-a religion based in the single-minded belief that a Great This monstrousĬonglomerate of warlike species sees Humanity as a form of heresy against Humanity has long been at war with the terrifyingĪlien civilization that collectively calls itself the Covenant.

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